Zimbabwe Civil Aviation Authority
Postal Address: | Private Bag 7716, Causeway, Harare, Zimbabwe |
Telephone number: | +263 4585073/87 |
Email: | ais@caaz.co.zw |
VISA: South African citizens do not require a visa to visit Zimbabwe. Ensure that you have a passport valid for at least 6 months from the state of entry. The passport must have 3 blank visa pages for entry and exit stamps.
VACCINATIONS: WHO recommend the following vaccinations for Botswana: Hepatitis A and B; typhoid; yellow fever; meningitis; polio; measles; mumps; and rubella (MMR); Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis); chickenpox; and C19.
PERMITS: Zimbabwe is another country where ZU-registered aircraft need to obtain a Certificate of Airworthiness from the local CAA, recently in 2022 however, getting a ZU clearance more difficult. It is not totally impossible but will surely give you sleepless nights. Making use of a professional clearance company like Executive Clearance and Aviation Consultants (https://www.xclearance.co.za/) makes the process much easier.
PORTS OF ENTRY: Zimbabwe have 6 international airports: Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo International (Bulawayo); Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport (Harare); Victoria Falls, Charles Prince, Kariba and Chiredzi.
Robert Gabriel Mugabe International (Harare) is similar to our OR Tambo. It is possible to fly in.
Joshua Mqabuko Nkome (Bulawayo) has AVGAS available and is fairly priced.
Charles Prince is a lovely airfield with customs and immigration and have AVGAS available.
Victoria Falls is a friendly airfield, and the fuel is a little bit cheaper.
Kariba Airport is the gateway to famed Mana Pools. There is AVGAS available.
Chiredzi is a pleasant airfield. Prior notification is required for fuel.
Information provided by Executive Clearance and Aviation Consultants

Great Zimbabwe was the capital of a great kingdom during the Late Iron age, serving as the palace for the local monarch. The construction started in the 11th century and continued for 300 years. These amazing stone structures, one towering up to 22m high, does not seem to have any mortar holding the stones in place. These are the second oldest ruins in Southern Africa and worth the visit.
Here at the town of Victoria Falls the mighty Zambezi River plunges 108 meters over a sheer cliff into the Boiling Pot below before flowing through a series of gorges. The 1905 Victoria Falls bridge spans the river allowing breath-taking views of the falls. It is bucket-list item.
Fuel: The table below shows the supplier and contact details at each of the major airports, curtesy of Aviation Direct.
JM Nkomo International (Bulawayo) | AVGAS – Puma Energy ctc John Njerere Tel +263 772 961 Email: john.njerere@redan.co.zw |
R G Mobage International (Harare) | AVGAS/JETA1 – Puma Energy Tel: +263 717 687 949 OR Hermina Ferreira Tel: +263 8677001217 Or AVGAS/JETA1 – Shell Tel: +263 4 308 139 PRIOR ARRANGEMENT REQUIRED |
Charles Prince | AVGAS- Zuva Tel: +263 4308063 Hours: Mon – Sun 07:00 – 18:00 JETA1 – Puma Energy ctc Noah Mudamango Tel: +263 773 670 533 PRIOR NOTIFICATION REQUIRED. |
Chiredzi | AVGAS/JETA1 – Tel: +263 31 2444/2720 Cell: +263 91 232 173 Hours: Mon – Sun 07:00 – 16:30 CASH: ZAR/US$ Or AVGAS – Shell Tel: +263 33 6297 Hours: Sunrise to Sunset. CHECK AVAILABILITY WITH SUPPLIER |
Kariba | AVGAS/JETA1 – Zuva Tel: +261 3188 2912 or 2467 Cell: +263 11208408 Hours: 07:00 – 17:00 Or AVGAS/JETA1 – Shell Tel: 612305 PRIOR NOTIFICATION REQUIRED |
Always phone before to ascertain if there is fuel available. Plan your flight according to fuel availability.
Oil: Check with the airport supplier for availability or else carry your preferred oil with you for the flight.

The traditional name for the caves is Chirorodziva, which means Pool of the Fallen. These limestone and dolomite caves system contains pools of cobalt blue water. Diving expeditions for experienced technical divers is possible.
SITUATIONAL AWARENESS: Always maintain proper situational awareness of other aircraft, air spaces and terrain.
PREPARATION: A little bit of time spent before the flight, doing good research of frequencies and procedures will save you a lot of time and embarrassment.
As the holder of a SACAA pilots’ licence and associate privileges you are still bound by the SACATS and CARs over and above the rules and regulations of the country you are operating your South African registered aircraft in. Whichever regulation is the most restrictive applies.
FLIGHT PLANS: The permit number must be indicated in field 18 of your flight plan.
AIRMANSHIP: Be kind and considerate – in the air and on the ground.