Approved Persons – Classes of Certificates
A person may become an AP in a number of ways, some examples:
- On the strength of a current AME licence with experience gained on NTCA
- By building under supervision of an AP an NTCA
- By maintaining under supervision of an AP an NTCA
By gaining experience and taking applicable courses relevant to the type of NTCA and writing exams, an AP can become certified in a Class. There are 3 classes of APs as defined in Part 66.04.4:
APC3: Restricted inspection certificate for airframes and/or engines, issued by type, excluding inspections on modifications and repairs. – In general APC3 is applicable for those persons who have built their own aircraft and wish to carry out maintenance. It is also the entry certificate for those persons stating out in NTCA maintenance.
APC1: Inspection Certificate, which does not include inspections on repair, or modification work. Certificates will be issued for specified airframe and engine groups, as well as avionic categories. Certificates will be issued for specified airframe and engine groups, with ratings as defined in Part 66.04 of B, D, and W.
APC2: Repair and maintenance certificate, which includes inspections on repair, maintenance or modification work which has been done as well as carrying out such work. Certificates will be issued for specified airframe and engine groups, with ratings as defined in Part 66.04 of A, C, W and X (note that a General Notice PEL-2019/005 covers a change to the regulation anomaly)
Experience Requirements
APC3: The following minimum experience requirements are required to qualify for an APC3 Certificate:
- 15 Annual Inspections under supervision, of which 10 must be in the respective group(s) applied for.
- Recommendation letter from the Supervising AP or AMO confirming experience
- Proof of being primary builder, build number and build log to be submitted. (If applicable)
- Administration course provided by a valid Part 149 ARO (Future Requirement);
APC1: The following minimum experience requirements are required to qualify for an APC1 Certificate:
- 20 Annual Inspections under supervision or 10 annual inspections signed off as an APC 3.
- 200 Hours total time experience
- 100 hours minimum on Airframe Group and Engine group being applied for.
- Practical Course in group applied for with factory or specialist approved by a Part 149 ARO
- Category X Requirements are as per 1), 2) and 3) above. If only Category X rating is sought then 150 hours of X rating experience needs to be performed under supervision
APC2: The following minimum experience requirements are required to qualify for an APC2 Certificate:
- 500 Hours total maintenance
- 250 hours minimum on Airframe Group and Engine group being applied for.
- Overhaul course for a variant in a particular group
- 3 overhaul/rebuilds under supervision
- 2 rubber engine replacements
- Category W Requirement is the same as for 1) and 2) above. If only W Category is sought, then the requirement in terms of 2) becomes 250 hours performing Category W work.
Non-Type Certified Aircraft (NTCA) Groups
The certificates referred to in Part 66 sub part 4 may be issued in one or more of the following groups—
Airframes are classified into the following groups—
Group 1 – Aeroplanes of wooden construction, with an MCM of 5 700 kg or less;
Group 2 – Aeroplanes constructed of composites, with an MCM of 5 700 kg or less;
Group 3 – Aeroplanes of fabric-covered tubular-metal construction, with an MCM of 5 700 kg or less;
Group 4 – Unpressurised aeroplanes of all-metal construction, with an MCM of 5 700 kg or less;
Group 5 – Pressurised aeroplanes of all-metal construction, with an MCM of 5 700 kg or less;
Group 6 – Unpressurised aeroplanes of all-metal construction, with an MCM exceeding 5 700 kg;
Group 7 – Rotorcraft powered by reciprocating engines;
Group 8 – Pressurised aeroplanes of all-metal construction, with an MCM exceeding 5 700 kg;
Group 9 – Rotorcraft powered by turbine jet engines, with an MCM of 3 180 kg or less;
Group 10 – Rotorcraft powered by turbine jet engines, with an MCM exceeding 3 180 kg;
Group 11 – Aeroplanes constructed of composites, with an MCM exceeding 5 700 kg;
Group 12 – Balloons;
Group 13 – Trikes; and
Group 14 – All other aircraft.
Engines are classified into the following groups—
Group 01 – All horizontally opposed normally-aspirated piston engines;
Group 02 – All horizontally opposed turbo-normalised, turbo-charged and supercharged piston engines;
Group 03 – All in-line piston engines;
Group 04 – All radial engines;
Group 05 – Turbine jet engines; and
Group 06 – All other engines.